mental health

Goal Setting in the New Year

Goal Setting in the New Year

A new year brings about new goals and resolutions. Everything begins with the best intentions, but often times we set unrealistic goals that end up leaving us feeling deflated or down on ourselves for not achieving what we “should” be able to do or were able to do in the past. I hope this post will help guide you to have the most successful year yet!

A common method for goal setting is to set SMART goals. You may have heard this acronym before and possibly with different verbiage for the letters, but the main idea stays constant. Here is the acronym that I’ve found most helpful:

Getting Started With Therapy

Getting Started With Therapy

One of the greatest barriers to getting help from a mental health professional is feeling overwhelmed about where and how to find someone. My hope in writing this guide is to help alleviate some of the stress and fear of the unknown. Having previously worked at a mental health resource and referral helpline, I gained a wealth of knowledge that I am happy to pass along!